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Partnership with the Community Fund of Canada's 150th- 100+ Women Campaign
The 100+ Women Campaign is a fundraising initiative of the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation (PPDCF). Since our inaugural year in 2014, our group has enriched many women’s initiatives in our area. Our group aims to have at least 100 women pledge $100 annually. Some women contributed themselves, while others contributed on behalf of women who are important in their lives.
Each year, $10,000 is raised and divided two ways. $5,000 is put into an endowment fund within the Foundation where interest is accrued and reinvested in women's initiatives. The second $5,000 is immediately returned to the community via a granting process to benefit and empower women and children’s groups in our area.
However, for the 2016 Campaign we were presented with a special opportunity, where the funds raised could be matched by the Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) for the celebration of Canada's 150th to bring
$20 000 immediately to our community in 2017!! This partnership would provide grants to eligible projects that engage Canadians from all walks of life in a wide range of local projects that build community, inspire a deeper understanding of Canada, and encourage participation in a wide range of initiatives that mark Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation.

The CFC was so impressed with our successful 100+ Women campaign in coming up with $10 000, that they offered us another $5000 to our community if we could match it. Jason Blaine, who has his own endowment fund through the PPDCF, stepped forward with a donation of that additional $5,000 which allowed the PPDCF- 100+ Women to now grant out a total of $30,000 in 2017!
The CFC continued to be impressed with our generous community in coming up with $15 000, that they offered us another $5000 to our community if we could match it. The PPDCF then stepped forward with a donation of an additional $5,000 which allowed the PPDCF- 100+ Women to now grant out a total of $40,000 in 2017!!
In 2016 we had 14 recipients who received funding and we acknowledged them along with our generous donors, past and present, at a special ceremony. 

This year’s event would not be possible without the generous donation of time from this year’s 100 Women Committee made up of Alison Radley-Walters, Lisa Bradley, Vicki Bradfield, Linda Mohns, Corry Chow, Katrina Traikov, and Elizabeth Radley-Walters. The committee would also like to sincerely thank the team at Forward Thinking: Jennifer Layman and Kallie Doering who helped us in addition to their administration and management of the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation and their added effort in this year’s extra special campaign.

We would like to thank Anthony’s and especially Deborah for being so helpful to our team in preparation for this event and for donating the venue and some of the food for our special granting celebration!
We would lastly like to thank our Anonymous donors for their monetary contributions towards the evening's celebration to ensure that all of the funds donated by our generous community return to our community!

Our 2016 Campaign was made possible by the Community Fund for Canada’s 150th, a collaboration between the PPDCF- 100 Women, the Government of Canada, and extraordinary leaders from coast to coast.

As always, individuals are welcome to contribute to the growing endowment fund for women at anytime. These donations will contribute to the growing of dollars through investment - the "giving that grows" aspect of the Foundation.

We are most grateful for our past donors' support and we hope that you will consider donating this year. If you know of any women who would be interested in this cause, please refer them to our website where they can donate online. Charitable receipts are issued for the full amount of the donation.

Thank you for considering donating to this worthy cause. Women in the local community are benefiting every year from your generous donors like yourself!


Your 100+ Women Organizing Committee


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